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Bursary Application Form

Information for Applicants

Please read the Bursary Funds Guidance Document before beginning this application.

Depending on your circumstances, we will need you to upload relevant evidence - please have this ready before beginning this application.

  • We will need evidence of your household income.
  • If you are aged 16-18 and living with parents/guardians, we will need evidence of their annual household income.
  • If you are 16-18 and in care, or a care leaver, we will need a letter from your social worker confirming care status and financial hardship.
  • If you are 16-18 and receiving income benefits in your own name, we will need evidence of these e.g. a letter from the benefits office detailing your claim.
  • Evidence should be dated within 3 months of your application. Your application cannot be assessed until all evidence has been submitted. If you think you may be eligible but with different income evidence, please contact the Bursary Team on and they will advise you.

For further information and eligibility, visit and please contact our friendly Learner Advice team: 01472 311222 / if you have any questions

Student Reference Number (found in your email)
First Name
Date Of Birth
Personal Email Address
Personal Email Address (enter again)

Please supply your personal email address. This is the address we will send you information about your application

Have you lived in the UK for the last 3 years
Is Home Fees

Course Details

Please answer the following questions so that we can identify what financial support you may be eligible for.
Course(s) you would like help with:

Describe best your household situation

Please tell us how you intend to travel to/from your place of study. Tick all that apply:

Evidence of Eligibility - Upload

For us to assess your eligibility you now need to upload evidence relating to your personal status and household income
You can do this by taking a photo or scan of each item of evidence and uploading it below. Please note you may be required to provide copies of the original documents in person at a later date.
Your evidence should be dated from June 2023 onwards, and within 3 months of your application. For each item of evidence, select the most relevant ‘type of evidence’, enter any additional notes if required, and then pick the Browse button and pick the item of evidence for upload. Remember to click the ‘Upload’ button for each item of evidence.

What do I need to upload?

To evidence your eligibility:
OptionEvidence to Upload
OptionEvidence to Upload
I am 16-18 and in Care or a Care Leaver
(i.e. under 18 and looked after by a local authority, if a court has granted a care order to place a child in care, or a council’s children’s services department has cared for the child for more than 24 hours. On reaching the age of 18, children cease to be considered looked-after by a council and can be considered a care leaver).
Please provide a letter from the Local Authority / Social Services to confirm this
I am aged 16-18 and receive Income Support or Universal Credit in my own name Please provide a copy of your Income Support award notice or provide your last 3 months Universal Credit statements in their entirety
I am aged 16-18 and receive Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments AND Employment & Support Allowance in my own name Please provide your DSA or PIP and ESA award notice
All applicants, including those above: To evidence your household income – you must upload evidence for all types of income that apply This should include the total income for all adults that live in your household. Household income can be from full time work, part time work, self-employment, benefits, pension, or a combination of these. You will need to provide evidence of all sources of your household income.
Type of IncomeEvidence to Upload
Salary/wages from paid employment Please provide last 3 months wage slips, alongside low income benefits as below.
Self-employed earnings Please provide audited accounts for most recent tax year or official tax return
Income Support Please provide an award letter which is less than 6 months old or a recent bank statement which names the benefit that is received and shows payments over 3 recent months
Universal Credit Please provide your last 3 months Universal Credit statements in their entirety
Employment & Support Allowance Please provide an award letter which is less than 6 months old or a recent bank statement which names the benefit that is received and shows payments over 3 recent months
Pension Credit Please provide an award letter which is less than 6 months old or a recent bank statement which names the benefit that is received and shows payments over 3 recent months
Working Tax Credit / Child Tax Credit Please provide all pages of the latest Tax Credit Award. A provisional award notice can only be accepted with a current bank statement showing the assessment did not change.
Company or Private Pension Please provide the annual pension statement or a recent bank statement which includes pension amounts and shows payments over 3 recent months
Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Please provide a copy of your award letter
If you are applying for childcare, please upload a copy of your child’s birth certificates. Bursary recipients need to have a bank account in their own name, in the event that we may need to make payments into a bank on your behalf. We need to verify that you have your own bank account by seeing your bank card, a screen shot of your on-line bank account or a bank statement. We are unable to make bank payments to third parties, including to parents/carers on your behalf. Please upload a copy of your bank account proof here too.
Type of Evidence
Upload File

Type of Evidence Notes Attachment Remove
No attachments uploaded yet
Please supply contact details of a parent/carer if you would like to give us permission to talk to them on your behalf about your bursary
Emergency contact name
Emergency contact relationship to you
Emergency contact phone number
Emergency contact email address

Bank details

If you are awarded any funding, we may pay this directly into your bank account. Please complete the following:

Sort Code

Please dont use hyphens / dashes in your sort code

Account Number
Account Holder Name

Additional Information

Please give any other information to support your application in the box below


Please ensure you read through the declaration and fully understand the terms and conditions of receiving a bursary before submitting your application form.
  • I certify that the information and financial details I am submitting are correct and complete and show my/our income from all sources.
  • I understand that funding is limited and not guaranteed
  • I understand that I am responsible for all childcare costs incurred if I do not attend or if I withdraw from my course.
  • I confirm that I am not on a New Deal scheme (except New Deal for Lone Parents).
  • I agree to notify The Institute of any change in my circumstances which may affect my eligibility for funding as soon as this occurs; I understand that failure to do this may mean that The Institute will request repayment of my award.
  • I understand that The TEC Partnership will claim back all or some of the award made to me if I have given misleading or inaccurate information intentionally. I recognise that false statements can leave me open to prosecution.
  • I understand that financial assistance is dependent upon academic achievement, behaviour, and full attendance, which will be monitored. Should this be unsatisfactory or I withdraw from my course early, any future payments may be reduced and I may be asked to pay back some or all of my award.
  • I understand that payments in any form are my responsibility and will not normally be replaced if lost, stolen, forgotten, damaged, destroyed or misused.
  • I understand that any funding I am allocated is for my current course only and that a new application will be required for progression/additional courses.
  • I am not undertaking a higher education course in this academic year.
  • I understand that funding is for the current academic year only and that I will need to reapply if I require financial assistance with study for further years
  • I understand that The Institute reserves the right to review and adjust my award and entitlement through-out the year and can make in-year changes to awards.
  • I understand that it is my responsibility to tell the Department for Work and Pensions about any bursary support that I receive, as bursary payments may affect eligibility to some benefits.
  • I have read and understood this declaration.
We are unable to assess your application if it is incomplete or missing the relevant evidence, consequently, this will delay a decision. Once all funds have been allocated, no further requests can be supported.

Privacy Notice

Why do we collect personal information?

The TEC Partnership collects and processes personal data relating to its students to effectively manage learning and to meet its statutory obligations as an FE College. The TEC Partnership is committed to being transparent about how and why it collects and uses that data and to meeting its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) obligations.

The TEC Partnership consists of: - Grimsby Institute, University Centre Grimsby, Skegness TEC, Scarborough TEC, East Riding College, Career 6, The Academy Grimsby, Learning Centres and Modal Training. What personal information does the organisation collect and how long will it be kept for?

The TEC Partnership collects personal data under GDPR Article 6c (Legal Obligation), and 6e (Public Task) in order to meet its legal obligations with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).

All data collected and processed on behalf of ESFA will be held for as long as we are legally required to do so.

  • Financial records are held for 5 years following the current academic year (currently until July 2028)
  • If your application is unsuccessful, the reasons for not being awarded will be added to your electronic learner record and the application form securely deleted.
How is this collected and stored?

Data is stored in a range of secure places, including the student information management systems, paper records stored in secure places and on electronic documents within a secure network.

Who has access to data?

Information will be shared internally, with any TEC Partnership staff who need access to the data to provide services to students.

Where the TEC Partnership engages non-statutory third parties to process personal data on its behalf, we require them to do so on the basis of written instructions, under a duty of confidentiality and are obliged to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of data. This will only take place where the law allows it and the sharing is in compliance with GDPR legislation.

What rights do you have?

As a data subject, you have a number of rights. You can: access and obtain a copy of your data on request; require the organisation to change incorrect or incomplete data; require the organisation to delete or stop processing your data, for example where the data is no longer necessary for the stated purposes of processing; object to the processing of your data where the organisation is relying on its legitimate interests as the legal ground for processing. Further information can be found at

What happens next?

  • Your application will be assessed.
  • You will be notified of the decision through your student email address.
  • If your circumstances change throughout the year please collect an emergency/supplementary payment request form from Learner Services, you will be notified of the decision by COLLEGE EMAIL.